limited review

英 [ˈlɪmɪtɪd rɪˈvjuː] 美 [ˈlɪmɪtɪd rɪˈvjuː]



  1. Among the tools for code review introduced in this article, role definition, reading techniques, review tools, and issue-tracking tools are not limited to source-code review alone.
  2. That said, the results of information derived from digital sources arent always reliable. Their information is limited by the review process.
  3. Overall," information on potentially significant herb-drug interactions is limited," the review concludes. "Healthcare professionals should ask women routinely if they are taking any such products."
  4. The healthy development of Chartered Accountants should be promoted by introducing limited partners, strengthening the legal system of supervision, setting up the credit mechanism and carrying out some policy measures of peer review.
  5. We also work with limited partners and service providers to review, analyse and advise on their private equity activities.
  6. ( I) fees shall be limited to reasonable standard charges for document search, duplication, and review, when records are requested for commercial use;
  7. This may not be the ideal model but it is one that makes decisionmakers accountable while preserving limited timeframes for review.
  8. A second-year intermediate course that includes vocabulary enhancement and limited review of selected points of grammar.
  9. Limited information is available on the endemic burden of HAI in Africa, but our review reveals that its frequency is much higher than in developed countries.
  10. The Copyright Ordinance provides certain limited exemptions to copyright for learning. "fair dealing" of a work for research or private study, criticism, review or news reporting is permitted.
  11. Accordingly, the inspection in its ports shall, except in the circumstances specified in the Code, be limited to a review of the certificate and declaration.
  12. The role of judicial review is limited due to its confinement in the narrower legality review of administrative agencies.
  13. The first method plays a significant role in the operation evaluation of transportation monitoring and control system, but it is limited in real world to review things.
  14. It proposes that the People's Court conducts limited judicial review on sports arbitrating.
  15. A Limited Repair and Continuous Review ( Q, S) Inventory Model
  16. The judicial review of the illegality of the administrative procedure is only limited in the outside legal compulsory administrative acts; besides, it should abide by the principles of the review of legitimacy and reasonableness and no-judicial-power-to-modify-administrative-acts doctrine, including some specified steps.
  17. Exercising management authority with caution is effective channel of guaranteeing the right of students 'receiving an education, limited judicial review intervening is the final way of the right protection of students' receiving an education.
  18. But the people's courts in China hold very limited right of judicial review to the abstract administrative acts, which seriously affects the effective function of judicial supervision of the people's courts.
  19. At present the analysis of EU energy policy in the academic field basically stays in the introductory and description level and there are limited analyses from the theoretical level. This paper seeks to review the EU Common Energy Policy formation process through theoretical analysis.
  20. Meanwhile, it also broke convention that in the traditional teaching, teachers can not repeatedly explain a certain part of the program in the limited time and the students also can not review the contents of the programs in the after-school.
  21. When implementing foreign trade powers, the United States Congress is mainly limited by the American Constitution, executive branch, judicial review and precedents, and force of the community.
  22. Means limited to administrative discretion, judicial review is the most effective way.
  23. Internal control evaluation and auditing standards in Britain, Canada and the European Union, while not mandatory for the audit, but also provides the CPA to provide limited review for the internal audit reports.
  24. Many high school math teachers in understanding a new lesson how to design import, only limited to a brief review of the old knowledge, or simply introduce new issues, while ignoring other aspects of the function into the new lessons links.
  25. The state, can be limited to public power, can be controlled within the Constitution. The government does not run track to off against the statutory rights of citizens by the Constitutional Review.
  26. In the fourth section, the author described three basic principles to be followed by in the constitutional review activities, that is, independent exercise of powers by the constitutional council, the principle of accept the of NPC and the principle of limited review.
  27. And proposed to explore the introduction of the legal relief to civil rights protection areas, and set up personnel administrative proceedings, especially emphasize on the scope of judicial review and to establish principles and the final limited principles of justice and judicial review.
  28. This paper takes the case analysis of the style of the thesis, mainly with the 2008 admissible Wuhan Securities Limited liability company bankruptcy case claims review actual situation to carry on the analysis and summary.
  29. Besides, this paper also describes the principle of the limited legality review.
  30. First of all, should be to narrow the scope of judicial intervention to restrict the right of the court to exercise judicial review, the abolition of limited judicial review of arbitral awards in the process review and the review of the public interest.



  1. (accounting) a service (less exhaustive than an audit) that provides some assurance to interested parties as to the reliability of financial data

      Synonym:    review